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What is SRE?

SRE stands for Special Religious Education. THREE16 teaches religious education from a Christian faith-perspective so that students have the opportunity to learn, discuss and explore how their own Christian beliefs can shape the way they live.

Who teaches SRE? Are they qualified?

THREE16 currently employs three accredited teachers who all have educational and theological qualifications and are authorised by their own church body to teach SRE. They participate in ongoing professional development. THREE16 Shoalhaven and our teachers are strongly committed to the principles of Child Safety and each teacher has Working with Children and Police checks.

Why should my child participate in SRE?

Christian SRE provides students the opportunity to gain an understanding of the principles of Christian faith, explore their own beliefs and values, engage with ethical issues from a faith perspective, and discover how people apply faith to life. The Bible, the most widely published book in the world, is the primary text for study. Its rich heritage contributes to our knowledge of art, literature, law and language.

What will my child be taught?

THREE16 teachers use the Bible Explored curriculum to guide learning. Bible Explored is an authorised curriculum, designed by THREE16 and approved by the NSW Department of Education.

Do I have to be Christian to send my child to Christian SRE?

No. Many parents who are not religious themselves are happy for their children to be taught the basics of the Christian faith from the Bible at school. 

Will the teachers pressure my child or my family to join a church?

The SRE program is entirely educational. Students and families are never pressured to ‘join a church’.

What schoolwork will my child miss if they go to SRE classes?

NSW Department of Education policy states that during SRE periods other students “are not to be participating in lessons in the school curriculum”. Your child will not miss any required school lessons.

Do SRE classes cost anything, or does the school pay for them?

There is absolutely no cost to you or the school if your child engages with SRE. It is funded entirely by local Christian churches and individual donations.

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Explore, Engage, Apply


PO Box 2094​
Bomaderry NSW 2541

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