Explore. Engage. Apply.
Helping students explore and engage with the Bible and apply its message for valuable social and life skills.

We are dedicated to helping students explore and engage with the Bible. We believe the Bible is a primary text that has shaped civilisation and our own culture, and it offers words of hope for life. Our mission is to provide students with the opportunity to deepen their understanding and connection with this important text.
Who We Are
The NSW Education Act 1990 provides for every government school to allocate time for religious education delivered by authorised representatives of approved religious groups.
THREE16 employs staff who are authorised by an Approved Provider of special religious education. We meet NSW Department of Education requirements and are supported by local churches and individuals. We sponsor three religious education teachers in four public high schools in the northern Shoalhaven region.
First established in 1992 as SECET (Shoalhaven Employers of Christian Education Teachers) we are now known as THREE16, inspired by the Bible verses of John 3:16 and 2 Timothy 3:16.

"God loved the people of this world so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who has faith in him will have eternal life and never really die."
John 3:16
"Everything in the Scriptures is God's Word. All of it is useful for teaching and helping people and for correcting them and showing them how to live."
2 Timothy 3:16

What We Teach
We teach Bible Explored, a curriculum developed by us and authorised by Presbyterian Youth NSW.
Our curriculum is endorsed by the following NSW Department of Education approved religious education providers:
Baptist Churches of NSW & ACT
Uniting Church in Australia NSW & ACT
International Network of Churches
C3 Australia
Australian Christian Churches
Churches of Christ in NSW and ACT
Our Teachers
We have three staff working in the four local public high schools in northern Shoalhaven allowing every public high school student in years 7-10 the opportunity to explore the Bible and faith for life. Our teachers are all trained, endorsed and approved to teach Special Religious Education. They deliver combined SRE by presentation of regular SRE seminars each term. Our teachers all have Safe Ministry/Safe Church/Safe Spaces training, Working with Children checks, Police checks and adhere to our Child Safe Standards and Code of Conduct.
Our Supporters
The following churches support and endorse our work in bringing the Bible to students in the Shoalhaven
Culburra Baptist Church
Jervis Bay Baptist
Nowra Baptist Church
North Nowra Baptist Fellowship
South Coast Life Church, Berry
St George’s Basin Baptist Church